PDM Kabupaten Sleman - Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah

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12 November 2018 23:41 WIB
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Image result for sejarah muhammadiyah tulungagung



Sejarah  Muhammadiyah  di  Tulungagung  selalu  luput  dari  peneliti.  Jangankan  berbicara  tentang persyarikatan, nama kabupaten yang dilewati Sungai Brantas ini saja masih kurang familiar. Data dan fakta terkait sejarah Muhammadiyah di Tulungagung wajib diteliti. Karena di wilayah ini sangat kental nuansa abangan di masa kini  dan komunis pada era sebelum 1965. Riset ini menggunakan metode penelitian  literatur.  Meskipun  kenyataannya  sumber  tertulis  mengenai  Muhammadiyah  di Tulungagung  cukup  sulit  ditemukan.  Untuk  menutupi  kekurangan  dalam  hal  literatur  maka dimanfaatkan  juga  metode  wawancara.  Hanya  orang-orang  dengan kapasitas  yang  sesuai  dengan bidang penelitian ini  lah  yang diminta untuk menjadi responden.  Hasil riset dapat dijadikan pelajaran berharga  bagi  semua  orang.  Baik  akademisi,  warga  Muhammadiyah,  umat  Islam,  ataupun masyarakat  Indonesia  secara  keseluruhan.  Dikarenakan  terdapat  ibrah  berharga.  Ketika  seseorang atau komunitas terkena tekanan bukan malah semakin kecil nyalinya. Namun sebaliknya. Justru lebih semangat  dan  menunjukkan berbagai  prestasi  membanggakan. Muhammadiyah  Tulungagung patut diapresiasi di bidang keagamaan, pendidikan, seni budaya, dan politik.





The  growth  of  Muhammadiyah  in Tulungagung,  East  Java  deserves  to  be appreciated. It is  not  something simple for the  organization  carrying  the  modernity growing  in  the  basis  of  communist  and Abangan  (those  not  adhere  strictly  to  the precepts  of  nominal  religion).  Moreover, Tulungagung is not equal to other cities in East Java  such  as Lamongan in  which  the Tadjid is simply accepted.


In 1960s, it was not easy  to  follow Muhammadiyah  -  even to follow Islam was something uncommon for  the  people  in  Tulungagung.  At  that time, this City of Marble was mostly populated by community following communism and Abangan in which PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) was very powerful particularly approaching the movement of 30 September (G30S) of 1965.


In Tulungagung, a city that is only 70 km from Madiun, as the story goes, is claimed as the capital of community with the symbol of hammer and sickle. It is a small town in Southern East Java 120 km from the capital of Surabaya. This town is not really known compared to its neighbouring towns such as Blitar and Kediri. However, Tulungagung has some excellences not found in other places; one of which is that it is the largest producer of marble in Asia.


The history of Tulungagung sometimes is not known among researchers. The story of Kadipaten Ngrowo as the previous name of Tulungagung has been less famous compared to the history of Dhoho Kingdom and the imperium of Kahuripan in Kediri. Due to its infame, this research becomes interesting to be proposed. It is a must for the public to know about the history of regency that has 19 sub-districts.


Certainly, it is also with the initial development of the proselytization of Muhammadiyah that must be directly correlated to the communism and Abangan power. The non-physical and physical dispute emerged along with the growth of Muhammadiyah to give Enlightment to the city that is also called as Bumi Wajakensis.


A number of good deed activities even have been disputed, though the next generation today, as a matter of fact, can feel the benefits and even are grateful for the advancement concept carried by Muhammadiyah in Tulungagung. 


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